Friday, April 11, 2008

Location aware Twitter client comes to iPhone - Twinkle integrates iPhone location data for Twitter

Twinkle brings location awareness to iPhone Twitter clientIf the plethora of Twitter web-applications for the iPhone just isn't up to snuff for your Twittering (Tweeting?) ways, there's an alternative to the native iPhone Twitter client that I mentioned previously. MobileTwitter gives you the convenience of staying addicted to Twitter on your iPhone, but does away with the clunky and sometimes frustrating UI of the Twitter web-app clients like Hahlo and PocketTweets.

Twinkle is the newest iPhone-native Twitter application available for Jailbroken (jailbreak-ed?) iPhones. Twinkle one-ups MobileTwitter by integrating the iPhone's positional data into the Twitter client - Twinkle calls it "Locate Me." What you get is an on-the-go Twitter client that always knows where you are. What's the point? Well, turn on the Locate Me feature and Twinkle will find the other Twitter users within a 1, 2, 10, or 50 mile radius of your current location and serve up those users' Tweets. Think Google's Dodgeball, but designed for Twitter and with a little more randomness built in.

The location-based Locate Me is a unique find in Twinkle, and combined with the application's sleek design, Twinkle is a Twitter-ific (sorry, couldn't resist) iPhone app. The Twinkle UI is fun to use and responds much more quickly that any web-app. Grab it from today. You'll have to have the "" application repository to your Source List, so add it if you don't already have it listed.

[Via: PocketLint]

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